How Information and Communications Technology can Accelerate Action on the Sustainable Development Goals. ICT & SDGs Final Report

Partnerships for the Goals

This report has been compiled by a team from the Earth Institute at Columbia University in collaboration with Ericsson, the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and the GSMA. A variety of multidisciplinary experts in the academic and private sectors have contributed insights in order to gain a thorough and rich understanding of the impacts of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) on achieving various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The report includes an assessment of the current state of broadband deployment and looks at how the rapid diffusion of ICT is proving to be a game changer for millions of people. The report also details how ICT possesses the potential to accelerate the path towards reaching SDGs. It covers how we are monitoring collective progress towards reaching SDGs, the role of digital identities, and the potential of ICT to positively impact education, financial inclusion, health and energy, and connecting the unconnected.

Also included are recommendations of ways in which governments can ensure that their respective public sectors are fully supported by high-quality ICT infrastructure to enable and benefit from a digital transformation. They include the provision of broadband connectivity of all public facilities, ICT training of all relevant public officials and service providers, ICT-based delivery systems for healthcare, education, and infrastructure, and the deployment of the Internet of Things with remote sensing and control of connected devices.